  27 News. 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5  
1500, 2000 or more cranes

cranes flying around the lagoon

Yesterday on October 13 it was a great day for the migration of the cranes, during the day and even in the night, hundreds of (...) [read more]

Black-shouldered Kite

its not a good photo but we can identify

yesterday, when we were to watch the cranes we saw a little raptor flying alone, close to the observatory of the reguera. was (...) [read more]

First flocks of cranes

The lagoon from the peak area on October 10

Hi cranefriends Today 12-10-2009 first group of cranes just arriving to the lagoon. 19 cranes, 15 adults and 4 juveniles. (...) [read more]

Dangerous roads

Badger died in the road Tornos-Calamocha in the morning of Saturday, the 3rd of October

The speed is one of the worst enemies of the fauna, thousands of individuals of birds, mammals and reptiles die knocked down (...) [read more]

Day of the birds

the fields of the lagoon from the observatory of the interpretation center

Bustards, harriers, buzzards, gulls, kites, jars... hundreds of birds enjoy the autumnal tranquility in the environment of (...) [read more]

it rained!

From gallocanta village in the morning of Thursday, the 1st of October

yesterday... rain, hail, thunders, beams, but it looks so nice the lagoon today. (...) [read more]


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