the first flocks of cranes |
12/10/2010 |
the cranes at sunset, last winter photo
come to the lagoon. Currently only a few that pass-through the clouds in heaven and rest in the lagoon. is the first stop in (...) [read more] |
16.200 cranes |
03/12/2009 |
Photo taken in gallocanta in the morning of Thursday, the 3rd of December
rest in the lagoon the night before the small winters vacations begin. It was the result of the census realized by Sodemasa (...) [read more] |
the cranes take place |
18/10/2009 |
photo by Ramiro Aibar
The cranes search food in the meadows near the photohouse of wood in the zone of the interpretation center of Bello. This one (...) [read more] |
Ringed crane |
18/10/2009 |
Photo realized by Ramiro Aibar
white blue white, red green blue. it is what we think to see in the photo, the colors of the ring crane that appears in the c (...) [read more] |
the cranes look for food |
16/10/2009 |
photo realized in the evening of Friday, Behind the cranes you can see the lagoon, almost dry
Thousands of cranes have passed thru gallocanta. Some of them stay in the lagoon but the majority have followed way towards t (...) [read more] |